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Wednesday, December 30, 2009
The Karmapa Live On News Years
Background Info:
This year the Gyalwang Karmapa will complete his teachings on The Life of Milarepa and this will be commemorated by a Milarepa empowerment, a Milarepa feast offering, and a celebratory meal for the monks and nuns at lunchtime on January 1st. This will be followed by a special performance in the evening of a musical drama based on the life of Milarepa and written by His Holiness himself.
About this performance, His Holiness stated: “Presenting the Milarepa namthar –the Life of Milarepa- musical drama on Western New Year’s Day is actually a revival of a Tibetan tradition from the time of the 7th Karmapa, Choedrag Gyatso, when the Festival of Miracles was held during the first fifteen days of the Tibetan New Year. In those days they used to hold the Monlam gathering in the morning and then have dramatic performances based on the lives of the Buddha and great masters in the afternoon. This year’s Life of Milarepa is a way of ensuring that this ancient tradition is not lost.
"Secondly, it will be a reminder of Milarepa’s qualities, his purity and wholesomeness. People have read his story but now they will be able to see it and this should bring it alive for them. My hope is that it will plant a small seed of future liberation in all who watch it.
"There are many different versions of the life of Milarepa but I have based the script for the play on the most famous one written by Tsang-Nyon-Heruka. It took me several months to write the script. I have changed the literary Tibetan into colloquial so that everyone can understand, and combined traditional Lhamo with contemporary drama.”
Session 1
06:00AM - 08:00AM IST - chants medicine buddha puja, procession
08:30AM - 10:30AM Taiwan/China
12:30AM - 02:30AM GMT
07:30PM – 09:30PM EST (12/29/2009)
Session 2
08:30AM - 11:00AM IST
11:00AM - 01:30PM Taiwan/China
03:00AM - 05:30AM GMT
10:00PM - 12:30AM EST (12/29/2009) Kangyur Reading
Session 3
01:30PM - 03:30PM IST
04:00PM - 05:30PM Taiwan/China
08:00AM - 10:00AM GMT
03:00AM - 05:00AM EST
Session 4:
04:00PM – 05:00PM IST
06:30PM – 07:30PM Taiwan/China
10:30AM – 11:30AM GMT
05:30AM – 06:30AM EST
Session 1
06:00AM - 08:30AM IST
08:30AM - 11:00AM Taiwan/China
00:30AM - 03:00AM GMT
07:30PM - 10:00PM EST (12/30/2009)
Session 2
09:00AM - 12:00AM IST
11:30AM - 02:30PM Taiwan/China
03:30AM - 06:30AM GMT
10:30PM - 01:30AM EST (12/30/2009)
Session 3
01:30PM - 03:00PM IST
04:00PM - 05:30PM Taiwan/China
08:00AM -09:30AM GMT
03:00AM - 04:30AM EST
Session 4:
05:30PM - 05:00PM IST
06:00PM - 07:30PM Taiwan/China
10:00AM - 11:30AM GMT
05:00AM - 06:30AM EST
Session 5: Marme Monlam
07:30PM - 08:00PM IST
10:00PM - 11:30PM Taiwan/China
02:00PM - 03:30PM GMT
09:00AM - 10:30AM EST
1/1/2010: 2010 New Year 27th Milaripa Musical Drama
06:30PM - 09:30PM IST
09:00PM - 12:00AM Taiwan/China
01:00PM - 04:00PM GMT
08:00AM - 11:00AM ES
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