Amazing source of Information....a site that you will bookmark and visit often
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
The Karmapa Live On News Years
Background Info:
This year the Gyalwang Karmapa will complete his teachings on The Life of Milarepa and this will be commemorated by a Milarepa empowerment, a Milarepa feast offering, and a celebratory meal for the monks and nuns at lunchtime on January 1st. This will be followed by a special performance in the evening of a musical drama based on the life of Milarepa and written by His Holiness himself.
About this performance, His Holiness stated: “Presenting the Milarepa namthar –the Life of Milarepa- musical drama on Western New Year’s Day is actually a revival of a Tibetan tradition from the time of the 7th Karmapa, Choedrag Gyatso, when the Festival of Miracles was held during the first fifteen days of the Tibetan New Year. In those days they used to hold the Monlam gathering in the morning and then have dramatic performances based on the lives of the Buddha and great masters in the afternoon. This year’s Life of Milarepa is a way of ensuring that this ancient tradition is not lost.
"Secondly, it will be a reminder of Milarepa’s qualities, his purity and wholesomeness. People have read his story but now they will be able to see it and this should bring it alive for them. My hope is that it will plant a small seed of future liberation in all who watch it.
"There are many different versions of the life of Milarepa but I have based the script for the play on the most famous one written by Tsang-Nyon-Heruka. It took me several months to write the script. I have changed the literary Tibetan into colloquial so that everyone can understand, and combined traditional Lhamo with contemporary drama.”
Session 1
06:00AM - 08:00AM IST - chants medicine buddha puja, procession
08:30AM - 10:30AM Taiwan/China
12:30AM - 02:30AM GMT
07:30PM – 09:30PM EST (12/29/2009)
Session 2
08:30AM - 11:00AM IST
11:00AM - 01:30PM Taiwan/China
03:00AM - 05:30AM GMT
10:00PM - 12:30AM EST (12/29/2009) Kangyur Reading
Session 3
01:30PM - 03:30PM IST
04:00PM - 05:30PM Taiwan/China
08:00AM - 10:00AM GMT
03:00AM - 05:00AM EST
Session 4:
04:00PM – 05:00PM IST
06:30PM – 07:30PM Taiwan/China
10:30AM – 11:30AM GMT
05:30AM – 06:30AM EST
Session 1
06:00AM - 08:30AM IST
08:30AM - 11:00AM Taiwan/China
00:30AM - 03:00AM GMT
07:30PM - 10:00PM EST (12/30/2009)
Session 2
09:00AM - 12:00AM IST
11:30AM - 02:30PM Taiwan/China
03:30AM - 06:30AM GMT
10:30PM - 01:30AM EST (12/30/2009)
Session 3
01:30PM - 03:00PM IST
04:00PM - 05:30PM Taiwan/China
08:00AM -09:30AM GMT
03:00AM - 04:30AM EST
Session 4:
05:30PM - 05:00PM IST
06:00PM - 07:30PM Taiwan/China
10:00AM - 11:30AM GMT
05:00AM - 06:30AM EST
Session 5: Marme Monlam
07:30PM - 08:00PM IST
10:00PM - 11:30PM Taiwan/China
02:00PM - 03:30PM GMT
09:00AM - 10:30AM EST
1/1/2010: 2010 New Year 27th Milaripa Musical Drama
06:30PM - 09:30PM IST
09:00PM - 12:00AM Taiwan/China
01:00PM - 04:00PM GMT
08:00AM - 11:00AM ES
Monday, November 16, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Scientists have reproduced the Shroud Turin?????????
ROME – Scientists have reproduced the Shroud of Turin — revered as the cloth that covered Jesus in the tomb — and say the experiment d
The shroud bears the figure of a crucified man, complete with blood seeping out of nailed hands and feet, and believers say Christ's image was recorded on the linen fibers at the time of his resurrection.
Scientists have reproduced the shroud using materials and methods that were available in the 14th century, the Italian Committee for Checking Claims on the Paranormal said.
The group said in a statement this is further evidence the shroud is a medieval forgery. In 1988, scientists used radiocarbon dating to determine it was made in the 13th or 14th century.
But the dispute continued because experts couldn't explain how the faint brown discoloration was produced, imprinting on the cloth a negative image centuries before the invention of photography.
Many still believe that the shroud "has unexplainable characteristics that cannot be reproduced by human means," lead scientist Luigi Garlaschelli said in the statement. "The result obtained clearly indicates that this could be done with the use of inexpensive materials and with a quite simple procedure."
FILE - In this Aug. 12, 2000 file photo, The Holy Shroud, a 14 foot-long linen revered by some as the burial cloth of Jesus, is shown at the Cathedral of Turin, Italy. A group of Italian debunkers is claiming it has proved that the Shroud of Turin - revered as the cloth that covered Jesus in the tomb - was man-made. The shroud bears the image of a crucified man. Believers say Christ's image was recorded on the fibers at the time of his resurrection. The Italian Committee for Checking Claims on the Paranormal said Monday Oct 5, 2009 that scientists have reproduced the shroud using materials and methods that were available in the 14th century.
(AP Photo/Antonio Calanni, file)
Photo Tools
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Free Angel Card Reading
Click on the image to go to a free reading.
Buy these cards -Voice of the Angels-A Healing Journey Spiritual Cards by Dyan Garris
The Golden Key
by Emmet Fox
Scientific prayer will enable you to get yourself or anyone else, out of any difficulty. It is the golden key to harmony and happiness.
To those who have no acquaintance with the mightiest power in existence, this may appear to be a rash claim, but it needs only a fair trial to prove that, without a shadow of doubt, it is a just one. You need take no one's word for it, and you should not. Simply try it for yourself.
God is omnipotent, and we are God's image and likeness and have dominion over all things. This is the inspired teaching, and it is intended to be taken literally, at its face value. The ability to draw on this power is not the special prerogative of the mystic or the saint, as is so often supposed, or even of the highly trained practitioner. Everyone has this ability Whoever you are, wherever you may be, the golden key to harmony is in your hand now. This is because in scientific prayer it is God who works, and not you, and so your particular limitations or weaknesses are of no account in the process. You are only the channel through which the divine action takes place, and your treatment will be just the getting of yourself out of the way.
Beginners often get startling results the first time, for all that is essential is to have an open mind and sufficient faith to try the experiment. Apart from that, you may hold any views on religion, or none.
As for the actual method of working, like all fundamental things, it is simplicity itself. All you have to do is this: Stop thinking about the difficulty, whatever it is, and think about God instead. This is the complete rule, and if only you will do this, the trouble, whatever it is, will disappear. It makes no difference what kind of trouble it is. It may be a big thing or a little thing: it may concern health, finance, a lawsuit, a quarrel, an accident, or anything else conceivable: but whatever it is, stop thinking about it and think of God instead -- that is all you have to do.
It could not be simpler, could it? God could scarcely have made it simpler, and yet it never fails to work when given a fair trial.
Do not try to form a picture of God, which is impossible. Work by rehearsing anything or everything that you know about God. God is wisdom, truth, inconceivable love. God is present everywhere, has infinite power, knows everything, and so on. It matters not how well you may think you understand these things: go over them repeatedly.
But you must stop thinking of the trouble, whatever it is. The rule is, to think about God. If you are thinking about your difficulty, you are not thinking about God. To be continually glancing over your shoulder in order to see how matters are progressing is fatal, because it is thinking of the trouble, and you must think of God and nothing else. Your object is to drive the thought of the difficulty out of your consciousness, for a few moments at least, substituting for it the thought of God. This is the crux of the whole thing. If you can become so absorbed in this consideration of the spiritual world that you forget for a while about the difficulty, you will find that you are safely and comfortably out of your difficulty -- that your demonstration is made.
In order to "golden key" a troublesome person or a difficult situation, think. "Now 1 am going to 'golden key' John, or Mary. or that threatened danger": then proceed to drive all thought of John, or Mary, or the danger out of your mind, replacing it with the thought of God.
By working in this way about a person, you are not seeking to influence his conduct in any way, except that you prevent him from injuring or annoying you, and you do him nothing but good. Thereafter, he is certain to be in some degree a better, wiser, and more spiritual person, just because you have "golden keyed" him. A pending lawsuit or other difficulty would probably fade out harmlessly without coming to a crisis, justice being done to all parties concerned.
If you find that you can do this very quickly, you may repeat the operation several times a day with intervals between. Be sure, however, each time you have done it, that you drop all thought of the matter until the next time. This is important.
We have said that the golden key is simple, and so it is, but of course it is not always easy to turn. If you are very frightened or worried, at first it may be difficult to get your thoughts away from material things. But by constantly repeating a statement of absolute Truth, such as: There is no power but God: I am the child of God, filled and surrounded by the perfect peace of God: God is love; God is guiding me now; or, perhaps best and simplest of all. God is with me -- however mechanical or trite it may seem -- you will soon find that the treatment has begun to "take." And that your mind is clearing. Do not struggle violently; be quiet, but insistent. Each time you find your attention wandering, switch it back to God.
Do not try to think in advance what the solution to your difficulty will be. This is called "outlining" and will only delay the demonstration. Leave the question of ways and means to God. You want to get out of your difficulty that is sufficient. You do your half, and God will never fail to do God's.
"Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Acts 2:21).
emmitt fox,
emmitt fox the golden key,
golden key
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
I Am Awake
I Am Awake
When the Buddha start to wander around India shortly after his enlightenment, he encountered several men who recognized him to be a very extraordinary being.
They asked him, "Are you a god?"
"No," he replied.
"Are you a reincarnation of god?"
"No," he replied.
"Are you a wizard, then?"
"Well, are you a man?"
"So what are you?" they asked, being very perplexed.
"I am awake."
Buddha means "The Awakened One". How to awaken is all he taught.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
4 Nobel Truths
1. The Noble Truth of Suffering: There is Suffering - Rebirth, old age, disease, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and despair, association with objects we dislike, separation from objects we love, not to obtain what one desires cause suffering. There are also many happy hours and pleasure in man's life-time, but according to the law of nature, they are impermanent and these last only for a short time and vanish into nothing. Only sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and despair are left by them behind.
2. The Noble Truth of The Arising of Suffering: Suffering has an origin - The Threefold Craving leads every being from birth to birth and is accompanied by joy and lust, seeking its gratification here and there, namely: Sensual Craving, Craving for Existence and Craving for Wealth and Power. There are also a sixfold craving, namely the eye craves for forms, the ear craves for sounds, the nose craves for odours, the tongue craves for taste, the body craves for objects, and the mind craves for noun, dreams or illusions. These Cravings and ignorance of the law of nature are the condition of origin of individual suffering.
3. The Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering: Suffering Can Cease - The condition of cessation of suffering is the complete fading away and extinction of this three fold craving, forsaking it and giving it up, the liberation and detachment from it. The condition of mind of a person who has been giving up his threefold cravings or this sixfold craving together with ignorance can realize Nirvana (or the Extinction of the Cravings).
4. The Noble Truth of The Path leading to the Cessation of Suffering: There is a Path our of Suffering - It is the 'Noble Eightfold Path' (or the 'Middle Path' because it avoids the two extremes of sensual pleasure and self-mortification), that leads to the Cessation of Suffering.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Dudjom Rinpoche on Meditation by Dudjom Rinpoche Page Instruction on Meditation by H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche
Dudjom Rinpoche on Meditation
Instruction on Meditation
by H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche
Since everything originates in the mind, this being the root cause of all experience,
whether “good” or “bad”, it is first of all necessary to work with your own mind, not to
let it stray and lose yourself in its wandering. Cut the unnecessary build-up of complexity
and fabrications which invite confusion in the mind. Nip the problem in the bud, so to
Allow yourself to relax and feel some spaciousness, letting mind be to settle naturally.
Your body should be still, speech silent, and breathing as it is, freely flowing. Here, there
is a sense of letting go, unfolding, letting be.
What does this state of relaxation feel like? You should be like someone after a really
hard day’s work, exhausted and peacefully satisfied, mind contented to rest. Something
settles at gut level, and feeling it resting in your gut you begin to experience a lightness.
It is as if you’re melting.
The mind is so unpredictable – there’s no limit to the fantastic and subtle creation which
arise, its moods, and where it will lead you. But you might also experience a muddy,
semi-conscious drifting state, like having a hood over your head – a kind of dreamy
dullness. This is a manner of stillness, namely stagnation, a blurred, mindless blindness.
And how do you get out of this state? Alert yourself, straighten your back, breathe the
stale air out of your lungs, and direct your awareness into clear space in order to bring
about freshness. If you remain in this stagnant state you will not evolve, so when this
setback arises clear it again and again. It is important to develop watchfulness, to stay
sensitively alert.
So, the lucid awareness of meditation is the recognition of both stillness and change, and
the quiet clarity of peacefully remaining in our basic intelligence. Practice this, for only
by actually doing it does one experience the fruition or begin to change.
View in Action
During meditation one’s mind, being evenly settled in its own natural way, is like still
water, unruffled by ripple or breeze, and as any thought or change arises in that stillness it
forms, like a wave in the ocean, and disappears back into it again. Left naturally, it
dissolves; naturally. Whatever turbulence of mind erupts- if you let it be – it will of its
own course play itself out, liberate itself; and thus the view arrived at through meditation
is that whatever appears is none other than the self display or projection of the mind.
In continuing the perspective of this view into the activities and events of everyday life,
the grasp of dualistic perception of the world as solid, fixed and tangible reality (which is
the root cause of our problems) begins to loosen and dissolves. Mind is like the wind. It
comes and goes; and through increasing certainty in this view one begins to appreciate
the humor of the situation. Things start to feel somewhat unreal, and the attachment and
importance which one signifies to events begin to seem ridiculous, or at any rate
Thus one develops the ability to dissolve perception by continuing the flowing awareness
of meditation into everyday life, seeing everything as the self-manifest play of the mind.
And immediately after sitting meditation, the continuation of this awareness is helped by
doing what you have to do calmly and quietly, with simplicity and without agitation.
So in a sense everything is like a dream, illusory, but even so humorously one goes on
doing things. If you are walking, for instance, without unnecessary solemnity or self-
consciousness, but lightheartedly walk towards the open space of suchness, truth. When
you eat, be the stronghold of truth, what is. As you eat, feed the negativities and illusions
into the belly of emptiness, dissolving them into space; and when you are pissing
consider all your obscurations and blockages are being cleansed and washed away.
So far I have told you the essence of the practice in a nutshell, but you must realize that
as long as we continue to see the world in a dualistic way, until we are really free of
attachment and negativity, and have dissolved all our outer perceptions into the purity of
the empty nature of mind, we are still stuck in the relative world of “good” and “bad”,
“positive” and “negative” actions, and we must respect these laws and be mindful and
responsible for our actions.
After formal sitting meditation, in everyday activities continue this light spacious
awareness throughout and gradually awareness will be strengthened and inner confidence
will grow.
Rise calmly from meditation; don’t immediately jump up or rush about, but whatever
your activity, preserve a light sense of dignity and poise and do what you have to do with
ease and relaxation of mind and body. Keep your awareness lightly centered and don’t
allow your attention to be distracted. Maintain this find thread of mindfulness and
awareness, just flow.
Whether walking, sitting, eating or going to sleep, have a sense of ease and presence of
mind. With respect to other people, be honest, gentle and straightforward; generally be
pleasant in your manner, and avoid getting carried away with talk and gossip.
Whatever you do, in fact, do it according to the Dharma which is the way of quieting the
mind and subjugating negativities.
Instruction on Meditation
by H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche
Since everything originates in the mind, this being the root cause of all experience,
whether “good” or “bad”, it is first of all necessary to work with your own mind, not to
let it stray and lose yourself in its wandering. Cut the unnecessary build-up of complexity
and fabrications which invite confusion in the mind. Nip the problem in the bud, so to
Allow yourself to relax and feel some spaciousness, letting mind be to settle naturally.
Your body should be still, speech silent, and breathing as it is, freely flowing. Here, there
is a sense of letting go, unfolding, letting be.
What does this state of relaxation feel like? You should be like someone after a really
hard day’s work, exhausted and peacefully satisfied, mind contented to rest. Something
settles at gut level, and feeling it resting in your gut you begin to experience a lightness.
It is as if you’re melting.
The mind is so unpredictable – there’s no limit to the fantastic and subtle creation which
arise, its moods, and where it will lead you. But you might also experience a muddy,
semi-conscious drifting state, like having a hood over your head – a kind of dreamy
dullness. This is a manner of stillness, namely stagnation, a blurred, mindless blindness.
And how do you get out of this state? Alert yourself, straighten your back, breathe the
stale air out of your lungs, and direct your awareness into clear space in order to bring
about freshness. If you remain in this stagnant state you will not evolve, so when this
setback arises clear it again and again. It is important to develop watchfulness, to stay
sensitively alert.
So, the lucid awareness of meditation is the recognition of both stillness and change, and
the quiet clarity of peacefully remaining in our basic intelligence. Practice this, for only
by actually doing it does one experience the fruition or begin to change.
View in Action
During meditation one’s mind, being evenly settled in its own natural way, is like still
water, unruffled by ripple or breeze, and as any thought or change arises in that stillness it
forms, like a wave in the ocean, and disappears back into it again. Left naturally, it
dissolves; naturally. Whatever turbulence of mind erupts- if you let it be – it will of its
own course play itself out, liberate itself; and thus the view arrived at through meditation
is that whatever appears is none other than the self display or projection of the mind.
In continuing the perspective of this view into the activities and events of everyday life,
the grasp of dualistic perception of the world as solid, fixed and tangible reality (which is
the root cause of our problems) begins to loosen and dissolves. Mind is like the wind. It
comes and goes; and through increasing certainty in this view one begins to appreciate
the humor of the situation. Things start to feel somewhat unreal, and the attachment and
importance which one signifies to events begin to seem ridiculous, or at any rate
Thus one develops the ability to dissolve perception by continuing the flowing awareness
of meditation into everyday life, seeing everything as the self-manifest play of the mind.
And immediately after sitting meditation, the continuation of this awareness is helped by
doing what you have to do calmly and quietly, with simplicity and without agitation.
So in a sense everything is like a dream, illusory, but even so humorously one goes on
doing things. If you are walking, for instance, without unnecessary solemnity or self-
consciousness, but lightheartedly walk towards the open space of suchness, truth. When
you eat, be the stronghold of truth, what is. As you eat, feed the negativities and illusions
into the belly of emptiness, dissolving them into space; and when you are pissing
consider all your obscurations and blockages are being cleansed and washed away.
So far I have told you the essence of the practice in a nutshell, but you must realize that
as long as we continue to see the world in a dualistic way, until we are really free of
attachment and negativity, and have dissolved all our outer perceptions into the purity of
the empty nature of mind, we are still stuck in the relative world of “good” and “bad”,
“positive” and “negative” actions, and we must respect these laws and be mindful and
responsible for our actions.
After formal sitting meditation, in everyday activities continue this light spacious
awareness throughout and gradually awareness will be strengthened and inner confidence
will grow.
Rise calmly from meditation; don’t immediately jump up or rush about, but whatever
your activity, preserve a light sense of dignity and poise and do what you have to do with
ease and relaxation of mind and body. Keep your awareness lightly centered and don’t
allow your attention to be distracted. Maintain this find thread of mindfulness and
awareness, just flow.
Whether walking, sitting, eating or going to sleep, have a sense of ease and presence of
mind. With respect to other people, be honest, gentle and straightforward; generally be
pleasant in your manner, and avoid getting carried away with talk and gossip.
Whatever you do, in fact, do it according to the Dharma which is the way of quieting the
mind and subjugating negativities.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
The Law of Dharma or Purpose in Life
The Law of Dharma or Purpose in Life
The Law of Dharma: Everyone has a purpose in life . . . a unique gift or special talent to give to others. And when we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit, which is the ultimate goal of all goals.
I will put the Law of Dharma into effect by making a commitment to take the following steps:
Today I will lovingly nurture the god or goddess in embryo that lies deep within my soul. I will pay attention to the spirit within me that animates both my body and my mind. I will awaken myself to this deep stillness within my heart. I will carry the consciousness of timeless, eternal Being in the midst of time-bound experience.
I will make a list of my unique talents. Then I will list all the things that I love to do while expressing my unique talents. When I express my unique talents and use them in the service of humanity, I lose track of time and create abundance in my life as well as in the lives of others.
I will ask myself daily,"How can I serve?" and "How can I help?" The answers to these questions will allow me to help and serve my fellow human beings with love.
The Law of Dharma: Everyone has a purpose in life . . . a unique gift or special talent to give to others. And when we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit, which is the ultimate goal of all goals.
I will put the Law of Dharma into effect by making a commitment to take the following steps:
Today I will lovingly nurture the god or goddess in embryo that lies deep within my soul. I will pay attention to the spirit within me that animates both my body and my mind. I will awaken myself to this deep stillness within my heart. I will carry the consciousness of timeless, eternal Being in the midst of time-bound experience.
I will make a list of my unique talents. Then I will list all the things that I love to do while expressing my unique talents. When I express my unique talents and use them in the service of humanity, I lose track of time and create abundance in my life as well as in the lives of others.
I will ask myself daily,"How can I serve?" and "How can I help?" The answers to these questions will allow me to help and serve my fellow human beings with love.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Spirit Rock July Calendar
Spirit Rock7/15/2009
Wednesday Morning Class with Sylvia Boorstein or Donald Rothberg or others (click for schedule)
The Honoring: An Evening of Chanting & Song
Sylvia Boorstein, Sita Jamieson Caddle , Eve Decker, Teja Bell (qigong), Geoffrey Gordon
Thursday Morning Women's Class with Julie Wester or Heather Sundberg or others (click for schedule)
Friday Morning Meditation and Yoga Class with Dana DePalma and Janice Gates or others (click for schedule)
Metta Retreat (7 nights)
Sally Clough Armstrong, Kamala Masters, James Baraz, Sharda Rogell
Awakening the Heart of Love and Wisdom: A Daylong Retreat for the Queer/ Bi / Trans Community
Arinna Weisman
Introduction to Mindfulness (Half-Day Session)
Mark Coleman
Mindfulness of Body (Half-Day Session)
Mark Coleman
Introduction to Mindfulness & Mindfulness of Body (Two Half-Day Sessions)
Mark Coleman
Monday Night Class with Jack Kornfield or Mark Coleman or others (click for schedule)
Wednesday Morning Class with Sylvia Boorstein or Donald Rothberg or others (click for schedule)
Thursday Morning Women's Class with Julie Wester or Heather Sundberg or others (click for schedule)
5-Week Introduction to Insight Meditation Class Series
Martina Schneider
Friday Morning Meditation and Yoga Class with Dana DePalma and Janice Gates or others (click for schedule)
Insight Meditation Retreat (LOTTERY) (9 nights)
Joseph Goldstein, Kamala Masters, Steve Armstrong
Introduction to Insight Meditation Daylong
Howard Cohn
Half Day Morning Session of Meditation & Yoga for Women: Embodying the Sacred Feminine
Julie Wester, Anne Cushman (yoga)
Half Day Afternoon Session of Meditation & Yoga for Women: Embodying the Sacred Feminine
Julie Wester, Anne Cushman (yoga)
Meditation & Yoga for Women (Two Half-Day Sessions): Embodying the Sacred Feminine
Julie Wester, Anne Cushman (yoga)
Monday Night Class with Jack Kornfield or Mark Coleman or others (click for schedule)
Wednesday Morning Class with Sylvia Boorstein or Donald Rothberg or others (click for schedule)
Thursday Morning Women's Class with Julie Wester or Heather Sundberg or others (click for schedule)
Friday Morning Meditation and Yoga Class with Dana DePalma and Janice Gates or others (click for schedule)
Spirit Rock Singles Sangha (click for schedule)
Contact Us
Tel: (415) 488-0164 Fax: (415) 488-1025
Email: PO Box 169, Woodacre, CA 94973
We are located at 5000 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Woodacre, west Marin.
Wednesday Morning Class with Sylvia Boorstein or Donald Rothberg or others (click for schedule)
The Honoring: An Evening of Chanting & Song
Sylvia Boorstein, Sita Jamieson Caddle , Eve Decker, Teja Bell (qigong), Geoffrey Gordon
Thursday Morning Women's Class with Julie Wester or Heather Sundberg or others (click for schedule)
Friday Morning Meditation and Yoga Class with Dana DePalma and Janice Gates or others (click for schedule)
Metta Retreat (7 nights)
Sally Clough Armstrong, Kamala Masters, James Baraz, Sharda Rogell
Awakening the Heart of Love and Wisdom: A Daylong Retreat for the Queer/ Bi / Trans Community
Arinna Weisman
Introduction to Mindfulness (Half-Day Session)
Mark Coleman
Mindfulness of Body (Half-Day Session)
Mark Coleman
Introduction to Mindfulness & Mindfulness of Body (Two Half-Day Sessions)
Mark Coleman
Monday Night Class with Jack Kornfield or Mark Coleman or others (click for schedule)
Wednesday Morning Class with Sylvia Boorstein or Donald Rothberg or others (click for schedule)
Thursday Morning Women's Class with Julie Wester or Heather Sundberg or others (click for schedule)
5-Week Introduction to Insight Meditation Class Series
Martina Schneider
Friday Morning Meditation and Yoga Class with Dana DePalma and Janice Gates or others (click for schedule)
Insight Meditation Retreat (LOTTERY) (9 nights)
Joseph Goldstein, Kamala Masters, Steve Armstrong
Introduction to Insight Meditation Daylong
Howard Cohn
Half Day Morning Session of Meditation & Yoga for Women: Embodying the Sacred Feminine
Julie Wester, Anne Cushman (yoga)
Half Day Afternoon Session of Meditation & Yoga for Women: Embodying the Sacred Feminine
Julie Wester, Anne Cushman (yoga)
Meditation & Yoga for Women (Two Half-Day Sessions): Embodying the Sacred Feminine
Julie Wester, Anne Cushman (yoga)
Monday Night Class with Jack Kornfield or Mark Coleman or others (click for schedule)
Wednesday Morning Class with Sylvia Boorstein or Donald Rothberg or others (click for schedule)
Thursday Morning Women's Class with Julie Wester or Heather Sundberg or others (click for schedule)
Friday Morning Meditation and Yoga Class with Dana DePalma and Janice Gates or others (click for schedule)
Spirit Rock Singles Sangha (click for schedule)
Contact Us
Tel: (415) 488-0164 Fax: (415) 488-1025
Email: PO Box 169, Woodacre, CA 94973
We are located at 5000 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Woodacre, west Marin.
Meditation Classes SF Bay Area July
Meditation Classes
Summer meditation classes at Mahakaruna Buddhist Meditation Center Tues.,Wed,Thurs.evenings. ...
7/14/2009 Tuesday 7:30p to 8:45p
(repeats 20 times)
Mahakaruna Buddhist Meditation Center, Petaluma CA
Morning Meditations
We gather to begin the day in quiet prayer and meditation. Feel free to arrive and ...
7/15/2009 Wednesday 7:00a to 9:00a
(repeats 13 times)
Journey Center, Santa Rosa CA
Tibetan Chanting and Meditation (Free)
Every Sunday we invite the public to join us for an hour of Tibetan chanting and ...
7/19/2009 Sunday 5:00p to 6:00p
(repeats 24 times)
Nyingma Institute, Berkeley CA
Sangha Buddist Meditation
We invite you to our weekly meditation sitting group at the LGBT Community Center ...
7/20/2009 Monday 5:30p to 6:30p
(repeats 21 times)
LGBT Center, San Francisco CA
Building a Meditation Practice
4-week course on Sundays 5:00 - 6:00 pm at Alameda Yoga Station, 2414A Central Ave ...
7/19/2009 Sunday 5:00p
(repeats 2 times)
Alameda Yoga Station, Alameda CA
Guided Meditation and Bonfire
"Friday Night Lights" Guided Meditation and Bonfire This night will include ...
7/17/2009 Friday 7:30p
(repeats 2 times)
Oakland Center of Light, Oakland CA
Zen Meditation and Buddhism Classes
What is the meaning of life? Where can we find peace of mind and true happiness ...
7/18/2009 Saturday 3:00p to 5:00p
(repeats 3 times)
Chung Tai Zen Center of Sunnyvale, Sunnyvale CA
Sunday Morning Meditation
Each session includes brief meditation instruction followed by silent sitting. You ...
7/19/2009 Sunday 9:00a to 9:45a
(repeats 24 times)
Nyingma Institute, Berkeley CA
Mindfulness (Vipassana, Insight) Meditation on Sundays
Mindfulness (Vipassana, Insight) Meditation. Book study, sitting and walking meditation ...
7/19/2009 Sunday 9:00a to 11:45a
(repeats 18 times)
MLA Insight Meditation Center, Campbell CA
Beginning Chan Meditation & Fundamental Concepts of Buddhism
"A meditation retreat brings great relief; in an instant, you will find the eternal ...
7/16/2009 Thursday 7:30p to 9:30p
(repeats 2 times)
Buddha Gate Monastery, Lafayette CA
Summer meditation classes at Mahakaruna Buddhist Meditation Center Tues.,Wed,Thurs.evenings. ...
7/14/2009 Tuesday 7:30p to 8:45p
(repeats 20 times)
Mahakaruna Buddhist Meditation Center, Petaluma CA
Morning Meditations
We gather to begin the day in quiet prayer and meditation. Feel free to arrive and ...
7/15/2009 Wednesday 7:00a to 9:00a
(repeats 13 times)
Journey Center, Santa Rosa CA
Tibetan Chanting and Meditation (Free)
Every Sunday we invite the public to join us for an hour of Tibetan chanting and ...
7/19/2009 Sunday 5:00p to 6:00p
(repeats 24 times)
Nyingma Institute, Berkeley CA
Sangha Buddist Meditation
We invite you to our weekly meditation sitting group at the LGBT Community Center ...
7/20/2009 Monday 5:30p to 6:30p
(repeats 21 times)
LGBT Center, San Francisco CA
Building a Meditation Practice
4-week course on Sundays 5:00 - 6:00 pm at Alameda Yoga Station, 2414A Central Ave ...
7/19/2009 Sunday 5:00p
(repeats 2 times)
Alameda Yoga Station, Alameda CA
Guided Meditation and Bonfire
"Friday Night Lights" Guided Meditation and Bonfire This night will include ...
7/17/2009 Friday 7:30p
(repeats 2 times)
Oakland Center of Light, Oakland CA
Zen Meditation and Buddhism Classes
What is the meaning of life? Where can we find peace of mind and true happiness ...
7/18/2009 Saturday 3:00p to 5:00p
(repeats 3 times)
Chung Tai Zen Center of Sunnyvale, Sunnyvale CA
Sunday Morning Meditation
Each session includes brief meditation instruction followed by silent sitting. You ...
7/19/2009 Sunday 9:00a to 9:45a
(repeats 24 times)
Nyingma Institute, Berkeley CA
Mindfulness (Vipassana, Insight) Meditation on Sundays
Mindfulness (Vipassana, Insight) Meditation. Book study, sitting and walking meditation ...
7/19/2009 Sunday 9:00a to 11:45a
(repeats 18 times)
MLA Insight Meditation Center, Campbell CA
Beginning Chan Meditation & Fundamental Concepts of Buddhism
"A meditation retreat brings great relief; in an instant, you will find the eternal ...
7/16/2009 Thursday 7:30p to 9:30p
(repeats 2 times)
Buddha Gate Monastery, Lafayette CA
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
The Dalai Lama Serves Hope To SF Homeless
April 26, 2009 His Holiness the Dalai Lama was trying very hard on Sunday to make the homeless guests at Martin's soup kitchen relax.
He put on a red and yellow tie-dyed apron to serve up the first plates of pesto pasta. He cracked jokes about what a relief it was to be among rich people who hang on his every word. He broke bread with seven down-and-out men, telling stories and making fun of his English — or lack thereof.
Finally, the head of Tibet's government in exile and one of the most significant spiritual leaders in the world tried this: "You know," he said, "I'm homeless too."
The Dalai Lama was on his second day of a weekend swing through the San Francisco Bay area to talk peace and call attention to the plight of the nation's poor. His visit, arranged by The Forgotten International, a nonprofit that promotes helping the world's poorest people, was two years in the making.
Tom Nazario, the founder of Forgotten International, blamed bureaucratic red tape. "He has wanted to do this for some time," said Nazario, a professor at the University of San Francisco School of Law.
The Dalai Lama beamed and grinned impishly throughout his hour-long visit to Martin's — formally, Martin de Porres House of Hospitality — rooted in the Catholic Worker movement.
"I'm really happy for the opportunity to visit," he said, offering words of encouragement to the approximately 100 guests and volunteers at the Sunday lunch.
"Our lives depend on others," said the Dalai Lama. "Me too. My life depends on others. You are still in human society, human community. Please feel happy and feel dignity."
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Buddhist Prayers Universal Love
Universal Love Aspiration
Through the working of Great Compassion
in their hearts,
May all beings have happiness
and the causes of happiness,
May all be free from sorrow
and the causes of sorrow;
May all never be separated from the
sacred happiness, which is sorrowless;
And may all live in equanimity,
Without too much attachment
and too much aversion;
and live believing in the equality of
all that lives. Namo Amida Buddha
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
The Fire Yogi of Tanjore
This documentary portrays a rare and unusual Fire Ritual performed by the Yogi and the subsequent chemical analysis of his clothing & physical tests that examine this supernatural phenomenon. The Yogi has performed this Fire Ritual for a total of 1000 days over the last 45 years. The Yogi, weighing a mere 94 pounds (43 kilos), has been able to survive on only two bananas and a mere glass of milk with a few drops of water twice a day for the last 28 years. Many aspects of the Yogi are on the edge of unbelievability, while at the same time highlighting the power and endurance of human mind, body and spirit.
Yogi Rambhauswami, the 63-year-old yogi, claims that in 1975 he stopped drinking more than a few drops of water each day, that two years later he began limiting his daily diet to a banana and a cup of milk, and that he sleeps only three hours each night. By all rights the Sanskrit scholar should be malnourished and dehydrated, but in director and producer Mike Vasan's documentary, he appears to be a relatively normal, if somewhat slender, senior citizen. Rambhauswami's real claim to fame, however, is his elaborate fire ritual.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Echart Tolle TV Launches on June1st
We are thrilled to let you know that Eckhart Tolle TV will be launching on June 1st, 2009!
Eckhart Tolle TV is a pioneering new medium that will allow people from all over the world to connect with Eckhart's teachings in an ongoing way — including access to monthly private video seminars, an online community, live group meditations, and special monthly contributions from Kim Eng. We appreciate your interest in knowing more about Eckhart Tolle TV and are pleased to let you know about a special opportunity available only to early subscribers.
If you register to become a member of Eckhart Tolle TV by April 11th (details can be found by visiting, you may be eligible to win a ticket to the recording of a private seminar series that will be broadcast at a later date on Eckhart Tolle TV.
Trataka : Meditation of third eye
Your third eye is hungry for awareness .
The meditation technique which you are going to read is 'Trataka' (also known as third eye meditation). In the belief system of 'Tantra' and 'Hatha Yoga' there is a concept of Kundalini .
[ Have you ever heard of Tantra or 'Hatha' Yoga ? If not then let me tell you very briefly that 'Tantra' is a sort of esoteric spiritual path that involves doing a number of activities which seem bizarre and odd to many people. Soon I'll write a separate article on Tantra. Keep watching ' New Articles'
'Hatha' Yoga is a branch of Yoga and it involves indulging in various physical exercises and breathing routines (known as Pranayam.) Many things in 'Hatha Yoga' and Tantra are common' . In this article, without going into the details of Tantra, Hatha Yoga or Pranayam, I have tried to present a simple meditation technique of third eye. The topics of Tantra, Hatha & Pranayam will be covered in other articles soon]
It has been discovered that there are seven chakras (or points of consciousness) in our body. These Chakras (literally Chakra means rings) are situated at different points in our body. Among these Chakras, the 6th Chakra is known as ' Aagya Chakra' located between the eyebrows and is said to be the seat of the mystical "third eye".
The physical location of this chakra is at the center of our forehead. Just above the place between our eyes. It is believed that Kundalini (the energy field) travels from the first Chakra (also known as Muladhara Chakra, situated at the base of our spine) and travels to 2nd, 3rd, 4th…..chakra to reach the 7th Chakra of Sahasrara. Here it meets with the Supreme Consciousness- Shiva. The 'Agya Chakra' is the 6th chakra (the second last Chakra in the path of Kundalini).
This 3rd eye meditation revolves around this 6th center of consciousness - Agya Chakra. This Agya Chakra' is considered as the center where our third eye resides. Though there is no physical third eye present in the body but at a more subtle, spiritual plane it has been experienced by many people that a stimulating center of consciousness exist here. Trataka (or third eye meditation) is the meditation technique of 'Agya Chakra'. When we focus our awareness on third eye, we automatically and instantly attain a meditative state.
Now without further going into the scientific explanation or spiritual significance of this meditation technique let us learn the exact method of this simple meditation technique of 'Trataka' which may take you into a meditative state instantly.
Here is the method:
[Please don't do this meditation in train or bus i.e. while traveling. You'll not be able to do it properly when your body is in motion. ]
Sit in the lotus pose (cross legged). [if it not possible for you then sit comfortably on chair or bad]
keep your spine straight.
close your eyes.
inhale and exhale deeply for 3 times.
Now concentrate on the middle of your forehead around the area which is a few centimeters above the middle of your eyes.
Keep your eyes closed and draw both of your eyes towards this center point of 3rd eye. I mean just look upwards with your eyes closed . Focus your closed eyes at 20-25 degrees above just at the center of the forehead (at the place of third eye.) Now slowly at about two-second interval, start counting in your mind backward from one hundred to one (that is 100,99,98,97....and so on). As you do it, keep your eyes centered towards the third eye.
Friday, April 3, 2009
The Law of Detachment
The Law of Detachment: In detachment lies the wisdom of uncertainty . . . in the wisdom of uncertainty lies the freedom from our past, from the known, which is the prison of past conditioning. And in our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe.
I will put the Law of Detachment into effect by making a commitment to take the following steps:
1. Today I will commit myself to detachment. I will allow myself and those around me the freedom to be as they are. I will not rigidly impose my idea of how things should be. I will not force solutions on problems, thereby creating new problems. I will participate in everything with detached involvement.
2. Today I will factor in uncertainty as an essential ingredient of my experience. In my willingness to accept uncertainty, solutions will spontaneously emerge out of the problem, out of the confusion, order and chaos. The more uncertain things seem to be, the more secure I will feel, because uncertainty is my path to freedom. Through the wisdom of uncertainty, I will find my security.
3. I will step into the field of all possibilities and anticipate the excitement that can occur when I remain open to an infinity of choices. When I step into the field of all possibilities, I will experience all the fun, adventure, magic and mystery of life.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Healing Meditation Yoga Calender of Events SF Bay Area
A Day at the SF Zen Center: Celebrating Buddha's Birthday!
culture - spirit
Monday, April 6, 2009 - 8:30 AM
San Francisco, CA
The Bay Area Paranormal Society
The Bay Area Paranormal Society is a Paranormal group dedicated to serving the greater Bay Area. Our services are free of charge. Investiagtion Services Our investigations are a multi layered process. Every aspect of the case is examined, and…
Meetup topics: Ghost Tracking, Paranormal, Coast to Coast AM, Ghost Towns
16.6 miles away
Fairfield, CA 22
Paranormal Investigators 5.00
Northern Bay Asatru Meetup Group
The North Bay Asatru Meetup Group is for people to come together and hail the Gods and Godesses of the North, and to discuss establishing a tangible modern Asatru community. I hope to bring information about Asatru to the pagan community and dispel m…
Next Meetup: Apr 19, 2009 at 6:00 PM
Meetup topics: Asatru
17 miles away
Vallejo, CA 9
Asatruar No recent ratings
The North Bay Spirituality & Metaphysics Meetup Group
Welcome to the newly forming North Bay Spirituality & Metaphysics Meetup Group! Join our Bay Area Metaphysics Social network From Astrology to Zoroastrianism, no spiritually or metaphysically related subjec…
Meetup topics: Pagan, Metaphysics, Shamanism, Spirituality
19.7 miles away
Santa Rosa,
25 Sat 3:00 PM Eckhart Tolle April Meetup
The windmill at the end of Golden Gate Park is very close to the ocean. You can see the Windmill from The Great Highway. Parking is close by as well. Bring a blanket for your body and a pillow to sit on for some meditation. Bring a chair if sitting on the ground is not comfortable. Unless it is raining really hard, we will still meet. We will go for an hour or so. The cost is $5 dollars, you can bring it to the meetup!
I'm starting this group without a real agenda or special topic in mind, but rather would like this to be a collaborative effort of different people to connect with others on a spiritual path. Let's just meet and talk and let it evolve and see where it guides us.
My personal belief system is based on many different influences - Taoism, Buddhism, Huna, Wicca and whatever I come across that resonates with me and I know there are many others like that out there.
33 Revolutions
10086 San Pablo Avenue
El Cerrito, CA 04530
May 5 Tue 7:00 PM
Meet other locals to discuss your spiritual path. Share your most profound and transformational personal experiences and talk about ways to incorporate spirituality into your life. Open to people of all faiths and cultures!
This group's purpose/mission is to promote spiritual awareness.
About Maria Haswell (The Organizer):
Spirituality, Reiki, Metaphysics, Spiritualism
San Ramon, CA
The Gnostic Movement brings ancient Gnosis into the modern world.
But what Gnosis is? You may find this video useful to know more about the background of gnosis and where it comes from. If you like it, feel free to rate it and add it to your favorites.
By attending our free workshops and courses in Berkeley, you can begin your own spiritual quest. We cover a wide range of spiritual topics, including:
- Dreams
The Bay Area Reiki Tummo/Open Heart Meetup
Reiki Tummo - A technique for connecting yourself to the Divine Universal Energy for healing, opening your heart and attaining a higher consciousness. We channel Reiki, Kundalini, Earth and Shing Chi energies with a strong emphasis on Open Heart Medi…
Next Meetup: Apr 8, 2009 at 7:00 PM
Meetup topics: Reiki, Meditation, Spirituality, Yoga
20.4 miles away
Benicia, CA 56
People interested in Reiki 5.00
Holistic Organic Ways, ( HOW )
Starting weekly meetings via emails, phones & different places in the Heart of Napa Valley, St Helena, Holistic = considering all the Individual Elements Completing the Whole, Oneness, Awareness of contrasting Energies & different effects of perso…
Meetup topics: Alternative Health, Yoga, Vegetarian, Organic
14 miles away
Saint Helena, CA 12
Organic, Vegetarians Practioners 4.50
80-Corridor (Sac-Metro 2 Carquinez) Pagan Parenting Meetup
Meet other local Pagans who are raising a family and are child friendly. We can get together for playgroups, outings and pagan events. We're pretty spread out. I live in Vacaville so many outings will likely be within an hour drive of my home. I am o…
Next Meetup: Apr 18, 2009 at 10:00 AM
Meetup topics: Pagan Parenting, Pagan Homeschool, Playgroup, Spirituality
17.3 miles away
Vacaville, CA 1
Member No recent ratings
The North Bay Spirituality & Metaphysics Meetup Group
Welcome to the newly forming North Bay Spirituality & Metaphysics Meetup Group! Join our Bay Area Metaphysics Social network From Astrology to Zoroastrianism, no spiritually or metaphysically related subjec…
Meetup topics: Metaphysics, Shamanism, Spirituality, Pagan
19.7 miles away
Santa Rosa, CA 95
People Interested in Metaphysics 4.50
The Marin Wicca Meetup Group
Meet other young local Wiccans and people interested in learning about the Wiccan religion. For Wiccans of all traditions! Where ever you are on your path, lets journey together!
Meetup topics: Wicca, Pagan, Goddess, Spirituality
20.1 miles away
Use the supportive backdrop of uplifting, heart-opening melodies and lyrics
To connect with your Creative Spirit and soar!!
...With JON FARGO ~ Watergate Building F Classroom ~ Emeryville
Saturday, April 11th, 2009 ~ 1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Read more
SRF Santa Rosa California
Meditation Group
Santa Rosa Meditation Group of Self-Realization Fellowship
Paramahansa Yogananda, Founder
Sri Daya Mata, President
795 Farmers Lane, Suite 22, Santa Rosa, CA 95405
Meditation Services
Tuesday 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm (ok to enter/leave at 7:30 or 8:30)
Thursday 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Saturday 8:00 am - 11:00 am (ok to enter/leave on the hour)**
Sunday 10:00 am - 10:45 am as scheduled below
Reading Services
Sunday 11:00 am - 12:00 pm as scheduled below
** No Saturday 8am meditation on days there are Richmond Temple retreats.
What is keeping you from experiencing the present moment fully? The stories and opinions running through our heads can be quite addicting. It takes blunt honesty to admit what things are keeping you hooked into the chatter of your mind. This workshop with Ren is based off of the teachings of Eckhart Tolle's work and Don Miguel Ruiz's work, author of The Four Agreements. Ren has studied intensely with students of Don Miguel Ruiz for two years, and has reaped magical benefits. What does your heart tell you?
Celebrate the Spring Time for Change! Join with thousands of others worldwide to embrace a new energy for transformation and manifestation. Harness the brilliant energy of the Sun and receive Divine support to fulfill your dreams. Dattatreya Siva Baba will be teaching powerful, secret yogic meditations and rituals worldwide, through a specially recorded DVD presentation. Read more
Apr 11 Sat 11:00 AM
Please note the new time for Thursday Meditation Services: 7:30pm to 8:30pm!
April, 2009
5 Sunday Services
11 6 hr meditation for Jesus Christ (8am-2pm)
19 Sunday Services
May, 2009
2 Saturday Meditation Cancelled (retreat)
7 Swami Sri Yukteswar’s Birthday Service (7:30 pm - 8:30 pm)
9 6hr Meditation for Sri Yukteswar (8am-2pm)
10 Sunday Services (Mother’s Day)
24 Sunday Services
31 Sunday Services
June, 2009
14 Sunday Services
28 Sunday Services
This next Monday, April 6 we will be having a Family Healing Clinic from 8 - 9:30 pm in lieu of the first of the month class.
No, the whole family does not have to be present, and those families bringing children will be first in line (bed times and all).
For current Aesclepion Healing Center members it is open/free and for others we are asking a 30 dollars contribution per family.
Other questions give us a call.
San Rafael, Ca
Four Actions to Resolve Conflict Inside and Out - Dharma Talk Series w...
Apr 2, 6:30pm at Center for Transformative..., Berkeley
Four Actions to Resolve Conflict Inside and Out new Dharma Talk Series by dharma teacher, author and activist angel Kyodo williams 4 Consecutive Thursdays | March 19, 26 and April 2, 9 Come to one...
Tomorrow, Apr 3
Sacred Intimacy and Erotic Arts ~Tantra Intros
Apr 3, 7:00pm at LoveJourney, Sebastopol, ca
Sacred Sexuality: Introducing Tantra Friday, April 3 in Sebastopol, For Women & Men Tuesday, April 7 in Oakland, For Women Only Monday, April 13 in Sebastopol, For Women Only Friday, April 24 in...
Saturday, Apr 4
Mind Body Wellness -free For Limited Time
Apr 4, 10:00am at Ponderosa Park Community ..., Sunnyvale, CA 94086...
Mind-Body Wellness Program is a free community service initiative by The Art of Living Foundation that aims at creating more awareness about healthy and stress-free way of life. In this 90 minute...
Wednesday, Apr 8
FREE:Milpitas Yoga / Meditation program(Mind-Body Wellness Workshops)
Apr 8, 7:00pm at Sobrato Community Center, Milpitas
FREE:Milpitas Yoga / Meditation program(Mind-Body Wellness Workshops) No Breath No Life, Know Breath Know Life When : Every Sunday and Wednesday in April Every Sunday in April (5,12,19,26) :3pm -...
Thursday, Apr 9
Four Actions to Resolve Conflict Inside and Out - Dharma Talk Series w...
Apr 9, 6:30pm at Center for Transformative..., Berkeley
Four Actions to Resolve Conflict Inside and Out new Dharma Talk Series by dharma teacher, author and activist angel Kyodo williams 4 Consecutive Thursdays | March 19, 26 and April 2, 9 Come to one...
Mind Body Wellness Workshop
Apr 9, 6:30pm at The Art of Living Center, Santa Clara
Mind-Body Wellness Workshop is a free community service initiative by The Art of Living Foundation and aims at creating more awareness about healthy and stress-free way of life, no matter what the...
Mind Body Wellness Workshop
Apr 9, 6:30pm at Art of Living Santa Clara..., Santa Clara
Mind-Body Wellness Workshop is a free community service initiative by The Art of Living Foundation and aims at creating more awareness about healthy and stress-free way of life, no matter what the...
Saturday, Apr 11
Free: Yoga/Meditation (Mind Body Wellness Workshop)-Almaden
Apr 11, 10:30am at Dance Kraze Studio, San Jose
In this two-hour FREE Mind-Body Wellness Program you'll learn how to: * use your breath to instantly * make your mind calm * control negative emotions * create a sense of well-being * infuse your...
Sunday, Apr 12
FREE:Milpitas Yoga / Meditation program(Mind-Body Wellness Workshops)
Apr 12, 3:00pm at Sobrato Community center, Milpitas CA 95035
FREE:Milpitas Yoga / Meditation program(Mind-Body Wellness Workshops) No Breath No Life, Know Breath Know Life When : Every Sunday and Wednesday in April Every Sunday in April (5,12,19,26) :3pm -...
FREE:Milpitas Yoga / Meditation program(Mind-Body Wellness Workshops)
Apr 12, 3:00pm at Sobrato Community Center, Milpitas
FREE:Milpitas Yoga / Meditation program(Mind-Body Wellness Workshops) No Breath No Life, Know Breath Know Life When : Every Sunday and Wednesday in April Every Sunday in April (5,12,19,26) :3pm -...
Tuesday, Apr 14
Art Of Living Part I -yoga,breathing And Meditation Course
Apr 14, 7:00pm at Quality inn and suites, Sunnyvale
5 DAY COURSE-APR14 to Apr 19, 2009 In the course you'll learn * Easily learned tension-releasing YOGA exercises * Revitalizing breathing techniques to increase energy and deeply relax the body and...
Wednesday, Apr 15
FREE:Milpitas Yoga / Meditation program(Mind-Body Wellness Workshops)
Apr 15, 7:00pm at Sobrato Community Center, Milpitas
FREE:Milpitas Yoga / Meditation program(Mind-Body Wellness Workshops) No Breath No Life, Know Breath Know Life When : Every Sunday and Wednesday in April Every Sunday in April (5,12,19,26) :3pm -...
The Mind in Bloom - a 4-week writing practice workshop in the style of...
Apr 15, 7:00pm at Citizen Space, San Francisco, ca
April 15 - May 06, 2009 | four Wednesdays, 7-8:30 p.m. | $100 for the four sessions Offered at Citizen Space - a co-working space in San Francisco Class meets on: - 15-Apr-09 - 22-Apr-09 ...
Friday, Apr 17
Ubuntu Yoga Studio Napa Valley
Click link for yoga and lecture schedule
Kirtan/ Bhakti Yoga
Date: Fri 4/3/2009
Time: 7:45 PM - 9:30 PM
The Six Steps of Prevention with Dr. Erika Crotta
Date: Sat 4/4/2009
Time: 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Moving Into Light: YOGA AND REIKI with Joni Dittrich
Date: Fri 4/10/2009
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Ever wondered why YOGA makes you feel so good?
Afro Flow Yoga Workshop: An exploration of self through Ha-Tha Yoga and Traditional West African Dance! with Debbie Steingesser
Date: Sat 4/18/2009
Time: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Anusara Immersion with Janie Falk
Date: Fri 4/24/2009 - 5/30/2009
Time: 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Chakra Sensations - Exploring Your Chakras Through Yoga, Essential Oils & Gemstones with Julie Klutinoty
Date: Sat 5/2/2009
Time: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Yoga and Wine with Angela Gargano
Date: Sat 5/23/2009
Time: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Yoga + Chocolate with Dave Romanelli
Date: Sun 5/24/2009
Time: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Live Healthy Expo
Apr 17, 11:00am at Santa Clara Convention Ce..., Santa Clara, ca
The Live Healthy Expo is a health & wellness event for the entire family. In just one exciting weekend, attendees will learn first hand about an alternative approach to health and wellness, get...
Saturday, Apr 18
Global Drum Circle
Apr 18, 7:00pm at Center for Spiritual Livi..., San Jose, ca
Join over 100 like-minded individuals on April 18th for our continuing quest to have fun, reduce stress, and drum! All are welcome, even if you have never drummed before! The last event sold out, so...
Free: Yoga/Meditation (Mind Body Wellness Workshop)-Campbell
kirtan with Mukti
Apr 3, 7:30pm at Ocean Yoga Pacifica, Pacifica
Our music is born out of our love for the Divine, with the purpose of creating peace in ourselves, our communities and our world. We believe that the world is waking up to a more gentle, inclusive and...
Evoking Divine Passion, Living the Ecstatic Life
Apr 3 at LoveJourney, Sebastopol, ca
Evoking Divine Passion Living the Ecstatic Life, Learning the Art of Sacred Love by LoveJourneyTantra Friday April 3, 7 - 10 pm Saturday April 4, 10 am – 10 pm Sunday April 5, 10:30 am – 5:30...
Saturday, Apr 4
"Get Fabulous" The New Fabulous Body Treatment
Apr 4 at The Spa Treatment Room( I..., Novato
Launching The New Fabulous Body Treatment From (Head to Toe)European Facial,Dry Body Brushing,Full Body Hot Stone Massage,Full Body Sound Healing Session,Foot Soak with Hand and Foot...
Tuesday, Apr 7
Brian Eule discusses and signs "Match Day: One Day and One Dramatic Ye...
Apr 7, 7:30pm at Kepler's Books, Menlo Park, ca
Each year, on the third Thursday in March, more than 15,000 graduating medical students exult, despair, and endure Match Day: the decision of a controversial computer algorithm, which matches students...
Wednesday, Apr 8
Frank Delaney discusses and signs "Shannon"
Apr 8, 7:30pm at Kepler's Books, Menlo Park, ca
In the summer of 1922, Robert Shannon, a young American hero of the Great War, lands in Ireland. A Marine chaplain, he was present at the frightful Battle of Belleau Wood, and he still suffers from...
Health, Healing and Happiness
Apr 8, 7:00pm at Antioch Library, Antioch
Learn how to lose weight, minimize the likelihood of chronic illness, and achieve optimal health - by utilizing your body's own DNA to find the correct diet for you. Pam McDonald shares why the...
Thursday, Apr 9
Four Actions to Resolve Conflict Inside and Out - Dharma Talk Series w...
Apr 9, 6:30pm at Center for Transformative..., Berkeley
Four Actions to Resolve Conflict Inside and Out new Dharma Talk Series by dharma teacher, author and activist angel Kyodo williams 4 Consecutive Thursdays | March 19, 26 and April 2, 9 Come to one...
Saturday, Apr 11
Malaya Center for Health & Healing Spring Open House
Apr 11, 11:30am at Malaya Center for Health ..., Pleasant Hill, ca
The Malaya Center for Health and Healing is having our four-year anniversary celebration! Stop by for free massages, readings, healings, bodywork, health assesments & presentations with 15 of our...
Sunday, Apr 12
Free Empowerment Workshop for Complex Health Conditions
Apr 12, 2:30pm at River of Light Massage & ..., Mill Valley, ca
In this participatory workshop you will learn important skills and insights to recover from complex health conditions. Daniel Lappin spent 30 years recovering from a complex medical condition. Over...
Monday, Apr 13
Qi Gong Classes
Apr 13, 6:00pm at UCSF Campus Life Services..., San Francisco
Regular practice of this ancient Chinese art is beneficial for anyone who may experience chronic physical ailments, pain, are elderly, or seek alternative methods to accelerate self-healing and an...
Wednesday, Apr 15
UnderWorld Journey SoulQuest Series w/ Jonathan Gustin, MA, MFT (CEUs)
Apr 15, 7:00pm at Private office in SF, and..., San Francisco, ca
Underworld Journey - 4 Session Exploration of Your Soul's Purpose with Jonathan Gustin 10 CEU's for MFT's & LCSW's SF: 3 Weds: April 15, 29, May 6 (7-9pm) Mt Tam: 1 Day SoulQuest: Sat, May 9 The...
Thursday, Apr 16
Jennifer Berezan's Healing Ecstasy of Sound Class Public Event
Apr 16, 7:00pm at California Institute of I..., San Francisco Bay Ar...
Namaste Hall Everyone Welcome! Free of Charge!
Friday, Apr 17
I Finally Discovered The Secret To Easy Psychic Development!
Apr 17, 7:00pm at Conscious Consulting, San Jose, ca
Join me in this Easy 8 Week Psychic Development Course Taught by Medium-Psychic Nadia Shapiro Are you looking for a change? Time to take your life into your own hands. "If you see yourself as...
Saturday, Apr 18
Aromatherapy Mama and Baby Products
Apr 18, 10:00am at The Nova Studio, Point Richmond, ca
Come and discover how to make your own beneficial 100% natural products ideal for little ones, new mothers or moms-to-be, or anyone who wants to baby their skin. This class will give you a good basic...
Rupert Isaacson - the Horse Boy: A Father's Quest to Heal His Son
Apr 18, 7:00pm at Book Passage, Corte Madera
When his son Rowan was diagnosed with autism, Rupert Isaacson was devastated, afraid he might never be able to communicate with his child. But when Isaacson, a lifelong horseman, rode their neighbor's...
Sunday, Apr 19
Hypnotherapy for Sexual Issues
Apr 19, 9:30am at Center for Hypnotherapy, Berkeley
Experience more pleasure and enjoyment by using positive suggestions in hypnosis to help with sexual issues. Workshop attendees will learn to help clients and themselves with a range of sexual...
Friday, Apr 24
Evoking Divine Passion for Women Only
Apr 24 at LoveJourney, Sebastopol, ca
Evoking Divine Passion for Women Only A one weekend workshop with Evalena Rose with guest teachers Friday April 24, 7 - 10 pm Saturday April 25, 10 am – 10 pm Sunday April 26, 10:30 am – 5:30...
Monday, Apr 27
Avotcja & Modupue
Apr 27, 8:00pm at Yoshi's, San Francisco, ca
'Healing The World Thru Jazz a Note At A Time!' "A powerful, poetic, musical tour de force from a talented woman who knows what needs to be said and has the courage and chutzpah to say it loud and...
Saturday, May 2
Well Being Expo - Sonoma
May 2, 10:00am at Sonoma Veterans Memorial ..., Sonoma, ca
FREE Admission FREE Parking Over 70 booths full of healing and intuitive arts practitioners, artists and artisans. Plenty to keep you busy all day! Tarot, hand analysis, Reiki, Massage...
Circle to Regain Balance
May 2, 10:00am at Sebastopol Youth Annex, Sebastopol
“Peace In Process” A Circle for Healing Saturday, May 2, 2009 Sebastopol Youth Annex (10am-5pm) ~JOIN US FOR A UNIQUE WORKSHOP~ EXPERIENCE THE ANCIENT POWER OF YOUR WISDOM BODY AND THE HEALING...
Embracing Your Shadow - New York's Best Seller - Debbie Ford, Hosted b...
May 2, 9:00am at First Unitarian Universal..., San Francisco, ca
Debbie Ford to lead a 1-Day Workshop Embracing Your Shadow Saturday, May 2nd from 9 - 5 pm Embracing Your Shadow is a one-day interactive workshop in which you will discover the profound secret of...
Saturday, May 23
Circle of Radiance: A Puja for Men and Women Experienced in Tantra
May 23, 1:00pm at LoveJourney, Sebastopol, ca
A Sumptuous Puja led by Evalena Rose Saturday, May 23, 2009 - 1 PM to 10 PM - Women and Men A playful day of sharing connection, food and ritual with experienced dakinis. Our puja extends into the...
Saturday, Jun 6
Great San Francisco Crystal Fair
Jun 6, 10:00am at Fort Mason Center, San Francisco, ca - Occurs 1 more time thru Jun 7
This celebration of Earth and Spirit includes dozens of booths and vendors of crystals, minerals and jewelry and purveyors of the healing arts.
Friday, Jun 12
Jun 12, 8:00pm at 6th Street Playhouse, Santa Rosa - Occurs 6 more times thru Jun 26
Writer/performer Lisa Kron sets out to explore the dynamics of health, family and community with the story of her mother's extraordinary ability to heal a changing neighborhood, despite her inability...
Thursday, Jun 25
4-Day Natural Product Making Boot Camp II
Jun 25, 9:00am at The Nova Studio, Point Richmond, ca
[DEMO & HANDS-ON] Our Original 4-Day Bath & Body Boot Camp was such a success, on the request of our loyal repeat students, we put together a NEW 4-Day Intensive Series that covers many of the...
Well Being Expo (Sonoma)
FREE at Sonoma Veteran's Memorial Hall
Saturday, May 2
10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Sunday, May 3
10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Over 70 booths full of healing and intuitive arts practitioners, artists and artisans. Learn to “unwind your core”, learn about tuning forks, find 17 fruits and vegetables in a capsule, Tarot, hand analysis, Reiki, Massage, Chiropractic and more, (and Scientologists.. beware)
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Lectures & Workshops, Sports, Health & Fitness, Event, FREE, Sonoma
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Art, chanting, movement, drumming, meditation and shamanic journey (Mission Dist)
FREE* at CellSpace
Saturday, April 4
2:00 pm
Awakening through Art - only $5 - come play…
Join us for a fun afternoon of art, multi-cultural chant, movement, drumming, meditation and shamanic journey…
The combination of activities vary each session as we work with creative blocks and invite inspiration and acceptance into the space.
This is a process-based workshop focusing on the creative process and not the product or outcome. The point is not to worry about what your artwork looks like, but to just engage fully in the inspiration that comes to you in the present moment, so that you can enjoy yourself and play.
All materials provided, most recycled: paint, pastels, fabric, markers, colored pencils, paper, ink…
Please bring drums, rattles or other instruments so we can play together.
No prior experience necessary, all levels and ages welcome.
Saturday, April 4th
Fee: $5-10 sliding scale (pay what you can–it goes back to supplies and space rental)
RSVP required to:
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Apr 18, 3:00pm at Ariel Dance Studio, Campbell
In this two-hour FREE Mind-Body Wellness Program you'll learn how to: * use your breath to instantly make your mind calm * control negative emotions * create a sense of well-being * infuse your body...
Sunday, Apr 19
FREE:Milpitas Yoga / Meditation program(Mind-Body Wellness Workshops)
Apr 19, 3:00pm at Sobrato Community Center, Milpitas
FREE:Milpitas Yoga / Meditation program(Mind-Body Wellness Workshops) No Breath No Life, Know Breath Know Life When : Every Sunday and Wednesday in April Every Sunday in April (5,12,19,26) :3pm -...
Wednesday, Apr 22
FREE:Milpitas Yoga / Meditation program(Mind-Body Wellness Workshops)
Apr 22, 7:00pm at Sobrato Community Center, Milpitas
FREE:Milpitas Yoga / Meditation program(Mind-Body Wellness Workshops) No Breath No Life, Know Breath Know Life When : Every Sunday and Wednesday in April Every Sunday in April (5,12,19,26) :3pm -...
Free Seminar Yoga for Kids (8-13yrs)
Apr 4, 3:00pm at Sobrato Community Conefer..., Milpitas - Occurs 1 more time thru Apr 11
Free Seminar Yoga for Kids (8-13yrs) , parents can attend too . Art Excel (All Round Training in Excellence) is a Excellent program for Kids (8-13yrs) to Build...
Sunday, Apr 5
Yoga Flow
Apr 5, 2:00pm at Asian Art Museum of SF, San Francisco - Occurs 2 more times thru Jun 7
Lorna Reed teaches basic poses (asanas) for balance, flexibility and strength. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a yoga mat.
Monday, Apr 6
Cardio Tennis
Apr 6, 6:00pm at San Ramon Valley High Sch..., Danville
Fast pace tennis drills combined with Pilates, yoga, and calisthenics to achieve a total body cardio workout! Open to all ages and all levels.
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Wednesday, Apr 8
FREE:Milpitas Yoga / Meditation program(Mind-Body Wellness Workshops)
Apr 8, 7:00pm at Sobrato Community Center, Milpitas
FREE:Milpitas Yoga / Meditation program(Mind-Body Wellness Workshops) No Breath No Life, Know Breath Know Life When : Every Sunday and Wednesday in April Every Sunday in April (5,12,19,26) :3pm -...
1 Upcoming User Add to calendar
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Thursday, Apr 9
Four Actions to Resolve Conflict Inside and Out - Dharma Talk Series w...
Apr 9, 6:30pm at Center for Transformative..., Berkeley
Four Actions to Resolve Conflict Inside and Out new Dharma Talk Series by dharma teacher, author and activist angel Kyodo williams 4 Consecutive Thursdays | March 19, 26 and April 2, 9 Come to one...
Mind Body Wellness Workshop
Apr 9, 6:30pm at The Art of Living Center, Santa Clara
Mind-Body Wellness Workshop is a free community service initiative by The Art of Living Foundation and aims at creating more awareness about healthy and stress-free way of life, no matter what the...
Mind Body Wellness Workshop
Apr 9, 6:30pm at Art of Living Santa Clara..., Santa Clara
Mind-Body Wellness Workshop is a free community service initiative by The Art of Living Foundation and aims at creating more awareness about healthy and stress-free way of life, no matter what the...
Saturday, Apr 11
Breath Yoga
Apr 11, 3:00pm at Hayward Public Library, Hayward, ca
Breath Yoga Saturday, April 11th, 3:00 p.m. -5:00 p.m. at Hayward Main Library, 835 Ct. at Mission Blvd., Hayward, CA. 94541 Learn to reduce your stress level by learning to breathe better. It's all...
Free: Yoga/Meditation (Mind Body Wellness Workshop)-Almaden
Apr 11, 10:30am at Dance Kraze Studio, San Jose
In this two-hour FREE Mind-Body Wellness Program you'll learn how to: * use your breath to instantly * make your mind calm * control negative emotions * create a sense of well-being * infuse your...
Sunday, Apr 12
FREE:Milpitas Yoga / Meditation program(Mind-Body Wellness Workshops)
Apr 12, 3:00pm at Sobrato Community center, Milpitas CA 95035
FREE:Milpitas Yoga / Meditation program(Mind-Body Wellness Workshops) No Breath No Life, Know Breath Know Life When : Every Sunday and Wednesday in April Every Sunday in April (5,12,19,26) :3pm -...
FREE:Milpitas Yoga / Meditation program(Mind-Body Wellness Workshops)
Apr 12, 3:00pm at Sobrato Community Center, Milpitas
FREE:Milpitas Yoga / Meditation program(Mind-Body Wellness Workshops) No Breath No Life, Know Breath Know Life When : Every Sunday and Wednesday in April Every Sunday in April (5,12,19,26) :3pm -...
Tuesday, Apr 14
Art Of Living Part I -yoga,breathing And Meditation Course
Apr 14, 7:00pm at Quality inn and suites, Sunnyvale
5 DAY COURSE-APR14 to Apr 19, 2009 In the course you'll learn * Easily learned tension-releasing YOGA exercises * Revitalizing breathing techniques to increase energy and deeply relax the body and...
Wednesday, Apr 15
FREE:Milpitas Yoga / Meditation program(Mind-Body Wellness Workshops)
Apr 15, 7:00pm at Sobrato Community Center, Milpitas
FREE:Milpitas Yoga / Meditation program(Mind-Body Wellness Workshops) No Breath No Life, Know Breath Know Life When : Every Sunday and Wednesday in April Every Sunday in April (5,12,19,26) :3pm -...
Friday, Apr 17
Live Healthy Expo
Apr 17, 11:00am at Santa Clara Convention Ce..., Santa Clara, ca
The Live Healthy Expo is a health & wellness event for the entire family. In just one exciting weekend, attendees will learn first hand about an alternative approach to health and wellness, get...
Cardio Tennis
Apr 17, 10:30am at Rudgear Park, Walnut Creek
Fast pace tennis drills combined with Pilates, yoga, and calisthenics to achieve a total body cardio workout! Open to all ages and all levels. (Dapplegray courts.)
Saturday, Apr 18
Free: Yoga/Meditation (Mind Body Wellness Workshop)-Campbell
Apr 18, 3:00pm at Ariel Dance Studio, Campbell
In this two-hour FREE Mind-Body Wellness Program you'll learn how to: * use your breath to instantly make your mind calm * control negative emotions * create a sense of well-being * infuse your body...
Sunday, Apr 19
FREE:Milpitas Yoga / Meditation program(Mind-Body Wellness Workshops)
Apr 19, 3:00pm at Sobrato Community Center, Milpitas
FREE:Milpitas Yoga / Meditation program(Mind-Body Wellness Workshops) No Breath No Life, Know Breath Know Life When : Every Sunday and Wednesday in April Every Sunday in April (5,12,19,26) :3pm -...
Monday, Apr 20
Cardio Tennis
Apr 20, 6:00pm at San Ramon Valley High Sch..., Danville
Fast pace tennis drills combined with Pilates, yoga, and calisthenics to achieve a total body cardio workout! Open to all ages and all levels.
Wednesday, Apr 22
FREE:Milpitas Yoga / Meditation program(Mind-Body Wellness Workshops)
Apr 22, 7:00pm at Sobrato Community Center, Milpitas
FREE:Milpitas Yoga / Meditation program(Mind-Body Wellness Workshops) No Breath No Life, Know Breath Know Life When : Every Sunday and Wednesday in April Every Sunday in April (5,12,19,26) :3pm -...
Friday, Apr 24
FREE Thai Massage Class for Couples & Bodyworkers
Apr 24, 6:00pm at San Francisco Concourse E..., San Francisco, ca
FREE Thai Masage for Couples & Healers @ New Living Expo and $20 for Blissful Thai Foot & Body Massages @ Booth 125 plus more Speakers, Booths & More Thai Yoga Massage is commonly referred to as...
Tomorrow, Apr 3
kirtan with Mukti
Apr 3, 7:30pm at Ocean Yoga Pacifica, Pacifica
Our music is born out of our love for the Divine, with the purpose of creating peace in ourselves, our communities and our world. We believe that the world is waking up to a more gentle, inclusive and...
Saturday, Apr 4
Mind Body Wellness -free For Limited Time
Apr 4, 10:00am at Ponderosa Park Community ..., Sunnyvale, CA 94086...
Mind-Body Wellness Program is a free community service initiative by The Art of Living Foundation that aims at creating more awareness about healthy and stress-free way of life. In this 90 minute...
The Art of Living Course
Apr 4, 6:00pm at The Art of Living Center, Santa Clara
When: Apr 03 - 07 ( Friday - Tuesday) Weekdays: 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm, Weekends: 10:00am - 2:00pm Where: 2370A Walsh Ave, Santa Clara, CA 95051 Course Features * Yoga: Easily learned tension-releasing...
Laughter Yoga
Apr 4, 3:00pm at Hayward Public Library, Hayward, ca
Laughter Yoga Saturday, April 4th, 3:00 p.m. -5 p.m., Hayward Main Library, 835 Ct. at Mission Blvd., Hayward, CA. 94541 Learn to reduce your stress level by laughing with facilitator Lydia...
Cardio Tennis
Apr 24, 10:30am at Rudgear Park, Walnut Creek
CLAIRVOYANCE: "You are Brilliant"
Brilliant, charismatic, glowing, present and bright are words we use to describe individuals who have impressed us.
That space around you is not empty. We each have been taught to occupy this space (to fill it) with something. We can fill it with ourselves (the truth) or with something other than ourselves (a lie). The effect is immediate and obvious for all to see.
Learning to “see an aura” has to do with getting acquainted with your own space as much as it has to do with reading those around you.
1314 lincoln avenue
san rafael, ca 94901
April Classes
Reading Program
for more information
call Betsy or Elizabeth
•Women's Lectures
•Reading Workshops
Classes and Events
(open to everyone)
Beginning Classes
4-week beginning classes
7:30 pm or 10:30 am
$100 or $200 for Meditation III
Reading/Healing included
4-week beginning classes
7:30 pm or 10:30 am
$100 or $200 for Meditation III
Reading/Healing included
Monday, Apr 6
Healing Hands I
7:30 pm
•Your own healing energy
•Balancing a chakra
Monday, Apr 6
Meditation III
7:30 pm
•Creating and destroying
Tuesday, Apr 7
Meditation I
7:30 pm
•Finding your space
•Grounding Tuesday, Apr 7
Women's Energy II
7:30 pm
•Female cycles
•Wellness rose
Thursday, Apr 9
7:30 pm
•Turning it on and off
(3 weeks, April 9, 16, 23)
Fast pace tennis drills combined with Pilates, yoga, and calisthenics to achieve a total body cardio workout! Open to all ages and all levels. (Dapplegray courts.)
Sunday, Apr 26
FREE:Milpitas Yoga / Meditation program(Mind-Body Wellness Workshops)
Apr 26, 3:00pm at Sobrato Community Center, Milpitas
FREE:Milpitas Yoga / Meditation program(Mind-Body Wellness Workshops) No Breath No Life, Know Breath Know Life When : Every Sunday and Wednesday in April Every Sunday in April (5,12,19,26) :3pm -...
Monday, Apr 27
Cardio Tennis
Apr 27, 6:00pm at San Ramon Valley High Sch..., Danville
Fast pace tennis drills combined with Pilates, yoga, and calisthenics to achieve a total body cardio workout! Open to all ages and all levels.
Wednesday, Apr 29
FREE:Milpitas Yoga / Meditation program(Mind-Body Wellness Workshops)
Apr 29, 7:00pm at Sobrato Community Center, Milpitas
FREE:Milpitas Yoga / Meditation program(Mind-Body Wellness Workshops) No Breath No Life, Know Breath Know Life When : Every Sunday and Wednesday in April Every Sunday in April (5,12,19,26) :3pm -...
Saturday, May 2
"Peace In Process" A Healing Circle to Regain Balance
May 2, 10:00am at Sebastopol Youth Annex, Sebastopol
“Peace In Process” A Circle for Healing Saturday, May 2, 2009 Sebastopol Youth Annex (10am-5pm) ~JOIN US FOR A UNIQUE WORKSHOP~ EXPERIENCE THE ANCIENT POWER OF YOUR WISDOM BODY AND THE HEALING...
Meet BABI - South Bay Chapter
May 2, 10:00am at Campbell Community Center, Campbell, ca
Bay Area Birth Information (BABI), a local non-profit organization, will hold its 6th annual Meet BABI Fair connecting expectant and new parents with dedicated professionals, services, information...
Sunday, Apr 26
FREE:Milpitas Yoga / Meditation program(Mind-Body Wellness Workshops)
Apr 26, 3:00pm at Sobrato Community Center, Milpitas
FREE:Milpitas Yoga / Meditation program(Mind-Body Wellness Workshops) No Breath No Life, Know Breath Know Life When : Every Sunday and Wednesday in April Every Sunday in April (5,12,19,26) :3pm -...
Secret Gardens of the East Bay: Park Day School Garden Tour
Apr 26, 9:00am at Park Day School, Oakland
The famous Secret Gardens of the East Bay is back! A benefit for Oakland's Park Day School, this unique peek into the area's most beautiful and innovative private gardens makes for special spring...
Tuesday, Apr 28
Mind, Body and Wellness Workshop
Apr 28, 1:30pm at Pleasanton Library, Pleasanton, ca
- Learn breathing techniques to reduce stress - Guided meditation - Interactive processes - Meet people with similar interests 2 hour FREE workshop, you can bring guests to! Please RSVP at Event...
Wednesday, Apr 29
FREE:Milpitas Yoga / Meditation program(Mind-Body Wellness Workshops)
Apr 29, 7:00pm at Sobrato Community Center, Milpitas
FREE:Milpitas Yoga / Meditation program(Mind-Body Wellness Workshops) No Breath No Life, Know Breath Know Life When : Every Sunday and Wednesday in April Every Sunday in April (5,12,19,26) :3pm -...
Friday, May 8
Kriya Yoga Teachings and Initiations - Babaji's disciple Shri Shri Gya...
May 8, 7:00pm at India Community Center, Milpitas, ca
Meet Kriya Yoga Guru, Shri Shri Gyanswami from India in Fremont and Milpitas, California, US Guru Gyanswami was initiated in Kriya Yoga by Mahavatar Babaji to be an example of house hold Kriya Yogi...
Paramahamsa Nithyananda - Kalpataru Darshan
May 8, 8:00am at India Community Center, Milpitas, ca
Kalpataru Darshan - One Day Experiential Meditation Program In the Kalpataru program Paramahamsa Nithyananda will help you prepare your body, mind and being to receive and imbibe universal energy at...
Saturday, May 9
Kriya Yoga Teachings and Initiations - Babaji's disciple Shri Shri Gya...
May 9, 5:00pm at Fremont Hindu Temple, Fremont, ca
Meet Kriya Yoga Guru, Shri Shri Gyanswami from India in Fremont and Milpitas, California, US Guru Gyanswami was initiated in Kriya Yoga by Mahavatar Babaji to be an example of house hold Kriya Yogi...
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
I Am He
Mind, nor intellect, nor ego, feeling;
Sky nor earth nor metals am I.
I am He, I am He, Blessed spirit, I am He!
No birth, no death, no caste have I;
Father, mother, have I none.
I am He, I am He, Blessed spirit, I am He!
Beyond the flights of fancy, formless am I,
Permeating the limbs of all life;
Bondage I do not fear; I am free, ever free.
I am He, I am He, Blessed spirit, I am He!
Adi Shankaracharya
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Angel's Message
Clouds are heavenly bodies of moisture, hovering above us like protective angels as they float around our world. Angels love to use these natural wonders to show us signs because they can be shaped in any fashion and are spectacular to look at. Clouds are one of the most common ways that we receive “I love you” messages from Heaven. The angels' clouds are physical signs that they’re with us around the clock.
Monday, March 23, 2009
The Power Of Now Affirmation Eckhart Tolle
These seven affirmations come from
THE POWER OF NOW, by Eckhart Tolle.
If you're on the spiritual path,
and you haven't read this deeply
insightful book yet, make a resolution to read it in 2005.
1) I emanate love and joy, complete
presence and openness, toward all
2) I focus not on the 100 things I
may have to do at some future time,
but on the one thing I can do NOW.
3) I do not pollute my beautiful,
radiant Inner Being, nor the Earth,
with negativity. I do not give
unhappiness, in any form, whatsoever, a dwelling place inside me.
4) I perceive another person's body
and mind as just a screen, behind which I can feel their true reality,
just as I feel mine.
5) I am content with what I have. I
rejoice in the way things are. I realize that there is nothing lacking. The whole world belongs to
6) My peace is so vast and so deep,
that anything that is NOT peace,
disappears into it, as if it had
never existed.
7) Nothing that was ever done to me,
or which I did to others, can touch,
even in the slightest, the radiant
essence of who I really am.
These seven affirmations from from
THE POWER OF NOW, by Eckhart Tolle.
If you're on the spiritual path,
and you haven't read this deeply
insightful book yet, make a resolution to read it in 2005.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
The Power Of Thought - The Water Crystals of Masaru Emoto
The Water Crystals of Masaru Emoto
This page is dedicated to the work of Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto and his beautiful water crystal photos.
Masaru Emoto was born in Yokohama in July 1943. He is a graduate of the Yokohama Municipal University's department of humanities and sciences with a focus on International Relations. In 1986 he established the IHM Corporation in Tokyo. In October of 1992 he received certification from the Open International University as a Doctor of Alternative Medicine. Subsequently he was introduced to the concept of micro cluster water in the US and Magnetic Resonance Analysis technology. The quest thus began to discover the mystery of water.
He undertook extensive research of water around the planet not so much as a scientific researcher but more from the perspective of an original thinker. At length he realized that it was in the frozen crystal form that water showed us its true nature. He continues with this experimentation and has written a variety of well received books in Japanese as well as the seminal Message from Water published bilingually. He is married to Kazuko Emoto who shares his passion and is head of Kyoikusha, the publishing arm of his company. They have three children.
Mr Emoto took water samples from around the world, slowly froze them, then photographed them with a dark field microscope with photographic capability. As each water crystal is unique, around 90 photos would be taken of the same water source, and the water crystal photo that represented the majority would be chosen.
The next few pictures are of water crystals from different sources. Generally, clean healthy water creates beautifully formed geometrical crystals, while polluted water is too sick to form any crystals at all.
The next few photos are of water exposed to different types of music. Distilled water would be placed in a bottle between two speakers and specific music would be played for one hour. The water was then frozen and photos taken.
Mr Emoto decided to see how thoughts and words affected the formation of untreated distilled water crystals.
This was done by typing words onto paper, then taping the paper onto glass bottles overnight.
Note that the negative words 'You make me sick, I will kill you' resembles an image of polluted water.
Now we see the affect of thoughts and intent on the water.
Below left is an image of very polluted and toxic water from the Fujiwara Dam. Below right is the same water after a Buddhist monk (Reverend Kato Hoki, chief priest of Jyuhouin Temple) offered a prayer over it for one hour. Prayer, that’s sound coupled with intention, seems to have an extraordinary ability to restore the water back to its natural, harmonious, geometric symmetry.
What Does This All Mean?
With regard to the molecular structure of water, our intent (thoughts), words, ideas and music have a profound healing or destructive effect on the water.
Since the human is 70% water — Ultimately it means that what we think creates our reality, not just emotionally but physically.
Since the planet is also 70% water these experiments have profound implications for the environment also — Could this mean that we could ‘think’ a polluted stream clean again?
Since asking the question I've learned that these experiments are indeed being done in Japan through Mr Emoto's work. Three hundred people, usually led by someone proficient in focus and meditation (a buddhist monk for example) will gather around a polluted stream and focus healing and wellbeing onto the water for approximately one hour. Mr Emoto has reportedly documented these on film which I have not yet seen. According to eyewitnesses the water would become visibly clearer approximately 15 minutes after the meditation.
If this is indeed the case ... the possiblities are endless.
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